Can we help with your APV?
We have years of experience in conducting APV processes - both the traditional approach and a dialogue-based one. If you need assistance, we are ready to help.

Our team specializes in facilitating dialogue-based APV processes to create open and meaningful conversations between managers and employees. We are here to help you create a collaborative and development-oriented environment in your organization.
What is a Dialogue-Based APV?
A dialogue-based APV focuses on active communication and mutual understanding between managers and employees. It moves away from the traditional top-down evaluation and promotes participatory conversations that lead to increased employee engagement, motivation, and professional development.
How we can help
Experienced facilitators: Our experienced facilitators will guide your APV process, ensuring a fair and inclusive dialogue between managers and employees. They are skilled at creating a supportive environment that fosters open communication and constructive feedback through our platform, where everyone remains anonymous.

Tailored approach: We understand that each organization is unique. Our team will work closely with you to customize the APV process to fit your specific goals, values, and corporate culture. We can design surveys, develop guidelines, and provide training to ensure successful implementation.

Anonymous feedback: At our platform, all feedback is anonymous. This creates a safe space for employees to express their honest opinions without fear of reprisal, ensuring an even more open and honest dialogue in the APV process.

Employee engagement: By implementing a dialogue-based APV, you give your employees the opportunity to actively participate in their evaluations. This approach promotes a sense of ownership, increases employee engagement, and enables a more precise assessment of their strengths, challenges, and future development potential.

Continuous improvement: Our focus is not only on the APV event itself, but also on using the results for continuous improvement. We help organizations create action plans, set goals, and provide ongoing support to managers and employees to ensure individual and team long-term success and development.

Let us transform your employee conversations!
Say goodbye to outdated, one-sided evaluations and embrace a more collaborative and development-oriented APV process. Contact us today and let our team of experts help you create an environment where dialogue, mutual respect, and continuous improvement thrive. Together, we will unfold the full potential of your organization and its incredible talent.
Involved is an easy way for us to make the right decisions. We involve all the necessary stakeholders and get honest inputs. We use it for everything from smaller teams to larger strategies
Nicolai Richardt Mortensen
CEO & Partner - Texta A/S
The result has provided a great foundation for the management team to make the right decisions.
Berit Doormann Kuhr
CEO - Gensam Data A/S
Take a look at our amazing customers, all involving
Involved is an easy way for us to make the right decisions. We involve all the necessary stakeholders and get honest inputs. We use it for everything from smaller teams to larger strategies
Nicolai Richardt Mortensen
CEO & Partner - Texta A/S
The result has provided a great foundation for the management team to make the right decisions.
Berit Doormann Kuhr
CEO - Gensam Data A/S
With Involved, we have added an extremely effective tool to our toolbox for gaining insight into what a specific target group truly thinks and feels about everything from strategic messages to concrete formulations.
Mathias Hvid Kragelund
Communications Advisor and Partner - Kragelund Kommunikation A/S
Rambøll used Involved to identify needs and potentials related to the development of a new district. The platform worked perfectly for this. A clear recommendation from us.
Jakob Carstensen
Market Manager, Sustainable Society Transformation at Rambøll Management Consulting
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Workplace Health Assessment
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