Introduce Involved to your participants

Are you ready to introduce Involved to a new group?

Here are a few tips and tricks on how to make it an easy, meaningful, and engaging experience for your participants:

1. Why are you involving?

Make sure they know why you are involving them and how their input will be used.
It can be helpful to share that you are inviting them to this Involved session because you really want to get their perspectives, ideas, and opinions! That their input is important and matters!

2. What is Involved?

Introduce them to Involved so they know what it is.
In our experience, it is a good idea to start with these 3 points:

  •  They will be asked to respond to open questions that you have prepared. You invite them to share their views in their own words. It doesn't matter if there are spelling mistakes or how clever it sounds.
  • They will be asked to react to answers from other participants in the group and share if they agree or disagree with it. It doesn't mean that the other participant is wrong - it just means that it is now your experience or opinion. So don't be afraid to use all the voting options
  • They are completely anonymous both when they are writing and voting. Because it's not important who says what - but what they think as a group.

3. How does it work and how do they get started?

To show exactly how Involved works and get them started, you can use this presentation and insert the QR code, link, or code to your session in the last slide.

Find our presentation here and download it.


Download Introduction Slides